易算盤 悟開原本數學推理工具,
全球統一零售價美金 99 元含稅,
新台幣 3000 元含稅,保固二年,
內附 50 頁詳解圖及說明手冊,
台灣河洛文教有限公司 謹製
訂購專線 : 0980 - 5152 98
Easyabacus the original mathematical reasoning tools,
Global uniform retail price of $ 99 tax, NT $ 3,000 tax,
warranty for two years,
Enclosed with 50 pages
detailed description and manual,
Mengzong bamboo hand-refined,
collection of generations of heirloom ,,,
Taiwan Heluo Culture and Education Co., Ltd
Order line: 0980 - 5152 98