2017年6月29日 星期四

算盤哲學與思維科學 ⑽

科學之母數學即 數的學問,分三個基本領域:
1. 數有原本
2. 幾何原本
3. 代數原本
因為  原本是自然法則的數學式,
所以 : 控帶四時,經緯三才。
數學與思維科學命題 :
1. 大腦比宇宙大,這是什麼道理?
2. 不同信仰的宗教使命何在?
3. ?
(10) scientific view
Easy to calculate the ingenuity of the original,
deduce the scientific principles of replication evidence,
fully necessary and no counterexample.
The mother of science,
Divided into three basic areas:
1. the number of original
2. Geometry original
3. Algebra
Because the original is the natural law of the formula,
So: control with four o'clock, latitude and longitude three only.
           The number of the original, open things into business.
Created today's civilized world glory,
Is to follow the hands of the brain and with the promotion,
Called the mental indicators of education.
Mathematics and Thinking Scientific Proposition:
1. What is the reason why the brain is bigger than the universe?
2. What are the religious missions of different beliefs?
3. ?

